A fellow blogger has raised the subject of contentment, so I have been pondering it some. I 'm going to throw out my thoughts and you'll have to "scrapbook" with them. (A friend 's term I have adopted, as it is quite frequently fitting when you have many thoughts and haven't yet compiled them cohesively)
Paul said (in Phil.4:11-) "I have learned... to be content... through Christ who strengthens me." There's food for thought...
It seems we have a choice (1 Tim. 6:6-) with vastly different consequences.
Hebrews 13:5 says ...be content...for He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." That's a lot to content ourselves with, if we are truly experiencing Him with us!! It's not like we are settling for something small!
If we walk in delighting ourselves in the Lord, we know true contentment. We learn it. Years ago when I was single, I ran across a book that was titled "Single and Satisfied". I never did read the whole thing, because even the title was enough to stir my thoughts sufficiently. The gist of it was that you will never find satisfaction/fulfilment in anything outside of "Christ in you". If you aren't satisfied single, then you won't be, married, or with children, or the new job, etc. Boy, do we find that out!!!! It's a life lesson we do well to learn early!
For those who don't know me well, you'll notice my blog is full of pictures of my new house, still a work in progress. You can think... it's easy for her to be content!
Well, I lived in a 14'x70' mobile home for almost 13 years, and I can honestly say I was content and even cried when the mobile home left our yard. God sheltered us through so much in those walls... the births of our 5 daughters... the death of one...
There have been days already in my new home when I have felt utterly discontent and you know when it was?!? When I was feeling alienated from God, in a dark day... I can promise you the contentment we can walk in has nothing to do with what's outside of us, but what is inside. (or should I say, what's not inside!)
The truth is, when we desire Him and delight in Him, He delights in filling and fulfilling us, in our heart of hearts! We are also told we "must believe that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." The title of my blog is sort of the story of my life! It seems every time I dare to believe God further, to give over yet more to Him, to count myself nothing and Him everything, He responds in ways that astonish me! God want us to truly believe He is who He says He is, even if what we experience makes no sense at times. He wants to be able to safely pour Himself out on us and in us and He can't do that until we can say with Job, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him."
This last weekend we had a friend here to visit. A single mother with two children that has gone through so much and continues to let God go deeper in her heart and life. I was humbled to experience what God did here amongst us. Father, YOU ARE WORTHY TO BE PRAISED!
Someone once said to us: We have as much of God as we want!
Part of me wanted to argue with that but somehow I couldn't...
May we say with John the Baptist: "HE MUST INCREASE, BUT I MUST DECREASE!"
God bless us everyone in that endeavor!
Psalm 139:24
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
HARK! What mean those holy voices sweetly sounding through the skies? Out of the empty place over the Judean hills appeared the angel of the Lord, radiating glory as only the majesty of highest calling has acquainted itself. What has happened to the message of the angel?
"Behold I bring you glad tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour which is Christ the Lord. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying; 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, goodwill toward men." Luke 2 KJV
Perhaps to our generation the message has been, more often than not, a voice over the speaker system, a carol that slipped over the tongue of the singer, or a quote from the scripture on Christmas morning by the pastor from the local assembly.
The message to the men of that day (and God willing our day) was an announcement of the coming of a saviour. Appearing first as a child, then as a saviour, he was to save men from this present world, delivering us out of the captivity of the infirmity and oppression of the powers of this world.
One does not have to look far to see many held captive; slaves to alcohol, drugs, lust, power, love of money, station, and many also suffering from physical sickness and disabilities such as the blind, deaf, dumb, paraplegic, crippled, cancer, aids, and a host of other diseases. Many go to bed hungry at night, rising each day to great want. Countless others are held captive to authority of state and government based upon the principles of the base (or) elementary world. (The system of men who rule by force.)
We have not yet touched on another great captivity... the confusion of false religions, great systems of religiosity with much profession but little power, if any, to the deliverance of the captives.
Was this message just a traditional Christmas story or was it, after all, a salvation message to a world caught in the clutches of great apostasy? (a falling away from God) The fact of the matter is, that the generation that heard the message saw the eyes of the blind opened, the deaf heard, the crippled were made whole, the dead were raised, false religion was exposed, the rich man gloried in his humiliation, and the poor man rejoiced in his riches. Social status and walls crumbled as men left their tax tables and fish nets for the greatest cause of all time. Finally the heart of the matter had been reached, the matter of the heart! The sanctuary of the heart was cleansed and men were set free from the bondage of "the old man". Jesus Christ led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men. The kingdom of God was not in word, but in power.
"Behold I bring you glad tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour which is Christ the Lord. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying; 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, goodwill toward men." Luke 2 KJV
Perhaps to our generation the message has been, more often than not, a voice over the speaker system, a carol that slipped over the tongue of the singer, or a quote from the scripture on Christmas morning by the pastor from the local assembly.
The message to the men of that day (and God willing our day) was an announcement of the coming of a saviour. Appearing first as a child, then as a saviour, he was to save men from this present world, delivering us out of the captivity of the infirmity and oppression of the powers of this world.
One does not have to look far to see many held captive; slaves to alcohol, drugs, lust, power, love of money, station, and many also suffering from physical sickness and disabilities such as the blind, deaf, dumb, paraplegic, crippled, cancer, aids, and a host of other diseases. Many go to bed hungry at night, rising each day to great want. Countless others are held captive to authority of state and government based upon the principles of the base (or) elementary world. (The system of men who rule by force.)
We have not yet touched on another great captivity... the confusion of false religions, great systems of religiosity with much profession but little power, if any, to the deliverance of the captives.
Was this message just a traditional Christmas story or was it, after all, a salvation message to a world caught in the clutches of great apostasy? (a falling away from God) The fact of the matter is, that the generation that heard the message saw the eyes of the blind opened, the deaf heard, the crippled were made whole, the dead were raised, false religion was exposed, the rich man gloried in his humiliation, and the poor man rejoiced in his riches. Social status and walls crumbled as men left their tax tables and fish nets for the greatest cause of all time. Finally the heart of the matter had been reached, the matter of the heart! The sanctuary of the heart was cleansed and men were set free from the bondage of "the old man". Jesus Christ led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men. The kingdom of God was not in word, but in power.
HARK! What means that voice today? The whole creation is groaning and travailing, awaiting the manifestation of the sons of God. Jesus has shown us the way through, by way of the cross. The power is in His life. That is the mystery. His life was exemplary. Every victory is first won in the heart. It was through love that He conquered, as a leader with noblest character.
All of mankind loves the true hero, one who overcomes tremendous odds to pursue an unlikely cause and come out a victor, overwhelmingly conquering the impossible. Jesus Christ, the greatest leader of all ages is again calling for a volunteer army of MEN who will follow all the way through the death of the self life to the resurrection power of the overcoming life, revealing the nature of Jesus in his "sons", confirmed by a powerful deliverance after the original pattern.
We have heard the words, BUT HAVE WE HEARD THE MESSAGE?!
by Gary Isaac
I like to reread this always, this time of year...please God, may we have ears to hear and hearts to obey!!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Abigail's 2nd Birthday!
Abigail is 2 years old now! Dec.11 at 11:27 a.m. !Here's a pic of her opening a present.
She was quite impressed! She, like all her sisters before her, always pulls out anything I put in her hair. This is her usual look!
She has a 100 watt smile! We lit the candles a couple times to prolong the fun...
Here she is ready for bed and we were watching an episode of Tales from Avonlea. Daddy had given her a shower and she wanted a bow in her hair. She wanted it out again shortly after! Hey, it was good while it lasted! She's a real sweetie and quite a corker!
She was quite impressed! She, like all her sisters before her, always pulls out anything I put in her hair. This is her usual look!
She has a 100 watt smile! We lit the candles a couple times to prolong the fun...
Here she is ready for bed and we were watching an episode of Tales from Avonlea. Daddy had given her a shower and she wanted a bow in her hair. She wanted it out again shortly after! Hey, it was good while it lasted! She's a real sweetie and quite a corker!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
This Place
For all you baby-wearing Moms out there...
When I first got my Ergo I did a little reading on the Ergo website. There were different suggestions about choosing the right baby carrier. One I noticed was to have your baby facing you so they can see your face. It helps keep them feeling secure. As I learned to use the carrier, I discovered that what made it work so well, was having the baby strapped quite tight to you. All at once as I was thinking about all these different features and the things I love about wearing my baby, I was struck by how it is an allegory. I just started writing out my heart and was shocked when I was done to realize it was like a poem! The last line even gave me a title.
When I first got my Ergo I did a little reading on the Ergo website. There were different suggestions about choosing the right baby carrier. One I noticed was to have your baby facing you so they can see your face. It helps keep them feeling secure. As I learned to use the carrier, I discovered that what made it work so well, was having the baby strapped quite tight to you. All at once as I was thinking about all these different features and the things I love about wearing my baby, I was struck by how it is an allegory. I just started writing out my heart and was shocked when I was done to realize it was like a poem! The last line even gave me a title.
This Place
Hold me tight, Lord,
As You carry me.
Strap me fast,
So we can move as one.
Do Your work, Lord,
Let me not be in Your way.
Just hold me tight, sweet Lord,
So I don't hinder You.
Secure within the circle of Your arms...
Laying my head on Your breast when I get weary...
Hearing Your heart beat...
Assures me all will be well.
Carry me facing You
So I can always look into Your face.
When life threatens or frightens
I can take my cue from Your expression.
Each moment that You pause from busy-ness
Encircle me with Your arms and snuggle me close.
You are my whole world and my existence.
My life depends on You.
Everything I can ever need or want
Is vouchsafed to me by my position to You
I am Your child, Abba.
I'm so glad You're carrying me.
So lash me tight, Lord.
Even so tight it takes my breath.
I only want to be identified in You.
Tighten the straps yet more
So I cannot move on my own.
I never want to move away from You.
Keep me always just this close.
I want Your breath upon my face...
Your kisses on my head.
Anoint me with Your presence...
Never let me leave this place.
Never heard of Ergo Baby carriers? Visit their website at: http://www.ergobabycarrier.com/252.html
Friday, November 21, 2008
Every Day
Come celebrate the living water that flows for you from an eternal spring.
You need not fear stagnation. You need only draw nearer... put your roots down deep, setle in, and be at home in My love. Then every day will be a new day. Every day you will wonder at the richness of life that has come to you by My grace. Every day you will watch eagerly for My sunrise, search eagerly for My presence in the mundane activities of your world. Every day you will know Me better, and every day you will want to know Me more.
Quote from "Longing for Love" by Ruth Senter
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Drawing Near
I've been reading a book titled "Drawing Near" by John Bevere. This morning I'm in Chapter 4 : Passion For His Presence. He talks about peoples two reasons for seeking God. Seeking God for what He can do, or seeking Him for who He is.
He brings out how the children of Israel's pattern was they were "happy and thankful as long as God is doing what they want when they want it. Their core motivation is evidenced by their behavior and words under pressure; it's all about them. They elevate their desires over His heart or presence.
God told Moses he could lead this people into the promised land, which they'd waited for so long, and He'd even send a choice angel with them to drive out their enemies so the land could be secured; however, He (His presence) was not going! (Ex. 33:1-3)" He was fed up with their focus!
Hear Moses' reply... "If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here. (Ex. 33:15)"
Page 1: "There is a call---no, a cry---coming from the Heart of God and with each passing day it's intensity increases: "Why are you satisfied without My presence; why do you remain distant when you could have intimacy with Me?"
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8
Page 7: " It seems to be God's pattern to make a step toward us, and if we respond, He takes another and draws close. If we don't respond He does not push His way in, or cut in on our dance per se." End of Qotes
Somehow it seems we are so thick-headed about who God is and what He longs for from us!Today let's all open our eyes to see and our ears to listen as He wants to reveal His heart to us! To the possible cliff or valley just over the top of our curent hill, that we didn't foresee, expect Him to astonish You!
Abe left me a note this morning to read Psalm 147: 7-11. I'll close with that.
He brings out how the children of Israel's pattern was they were "happy and thankful as long as God is doing what they want when they want it. Their core motivation is evidenced by their behavior and words under pressure; it's all about them. They elevate their desires over His heart or presence.
God told Moses he could lead this people into the promised land, which they'd waited for so long, and He'd even send a choice angel with them to drive out their enemies so the land could be secured; however, He (His presence) was not going! (Ex. 33:1-3)" He was fed up with their focus!
Hear Moses' reply... "If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here. (Ex. 33:15)"
Page 1: "There is a call---no, a cry---coming from the Heart of God and with each passing day it's intensity increases: "Why are you satisfied without My presence; why do you remain distant when you could have intimacy with Me?"
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8
Page 7: " It seems to be God's pattern to make a step toward us, and if we respond, He takes another and draws close. If we don't respond He does not push His way in, or cut in on our dance per se." End of Qotes
Somehow it seems we are so thick-headed about who God is and what He longs for from us!Today let's all open our eyes to see and our ears to listen as He wants to reveal His heart to us! To the possible cliff or valley just over the top of our curent hill, that we didn't foresee, expect Him to astonish You!
Abe left me a note this morning to read Psalm 147: 7-11. I'll close with that.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Bow Season in Ohio
Here's my husband Abraham
(Abe) with a buck he shot a week ago with a crossbow,
right here where we live. He was pleased
'cause somehow he's never managed to get this
big of one before! He doesn't spend much time
hunting...honestly he's more of a farmer at heart!
(We are pretty partial to the beef we raise. He
knows how to grill a great steak!)

This is a picture of a well Harvey
and Monica had dug at their property.
It turned out to be artesian! It was a
problem at first but the driller got it
under control!
Notice Monica's pregnant tummy.
Harv was calling her his little sausage!
This was about a week before Lara came!
right here where we live. He was pleased
'cause somehow he's never managed to get this
big of one before! He doesn't spend much time
hunting...honestly he's more of a farmer at heart!
(We are pretty partial to the beef we raise. He
knows how to grill a great steak!)
This is a picture of a well Harvey
and Monica had dug at their property.
It turned out to be artesian! It was a
problem at first but the driller got it
under control!
Notice Monica's pregnant tummy.
Harv was calling her his little sausage!
This was about a week before Lara came!
Lara Danielle
I am pleased to introduce my newest niece, Lara Danielle! She was born at home to Harvey and Monica and her brother Alex (6 yrs.) on Nov. 14, 2008 at 11:42 p.m., weighing 9 lbs. & 8 oz. and measuring 21.5 inches long. Isn't she a doll!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
That's all for this week!
This is how it looks when we quit on Thursday evening. Abe's sisters left Thursday morning. Joe and Oscar had another job for Friday and the weather turned colder and we got rain. All these stones come from fields that Abe farms. They have to be picked up before seeding in new crops. We like natural things so this felt like a great way to "get two birds (jobs) with one stone". I really enjoy picking up stone and also to help find the right shaped rock for the ones laying. It's like a cross between art and putting together a puzzle. I wish each of you could come spend a day! The house in real life looks likes when it's done we shall feel as "snug as a bug in a rug".
Stone Laying
October 26, 2008
October 26, 2008 Our mobile home was moved out, taken down the hill on it's way to Coshocton County and it's new owners. They are getting married Nov. 29 and this will be their starting place. A remote control dozer type machine was what they used. It was very interesting and was done with no mishaps, even though it was taken down quite a hill. It was an emotional
day for me. This is where all our girls were born... the only earthly home Carolie ever had. God, I am so grateful for all You sheltered us through the 10 & 3/4 years we lived within those walls. Thank You for Your faithfullness to us.
Chloe & Hadassah
Hadassah just turned six. She is in the beginning stages of learning to read. She is quite a thinker and asks thoughtful questions. Like when we watch a movie, she really follows the story line and anticipates what is coming next. She's very tender-hearted. This last week she was real sick with a chest cold, straining real hard to breathe, it was so tight. We had one very rough night. She's fine again, Thank You, Lord!
Monday, October 27, 2008
House Pictures
2nd Picture: Damaris, Hadassah, Chloe, Abi and Abe
3rd Picture: My kitchen...cabinets made with maple trees we cut down to build the house.
4th Picture: Damaris took this picture...
Here is our home! These two sides are going to have stone on them, hopefully starting that project this week! The two back sides have vinyl siding in a color called Prairie Sage. The front left corner is the living room, front right (with the patio door) is the dining room. In the basement the front left is the master bedroom, and the right is the family room. The small window to the right of the patio door is the kitchen window.
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