Each of us has a belief system. All, part, or none, of it may be true. I know I keep discovering new areas in mine that are faulty and do not really work to make and keep me walking in life and peace.
The big questions are: Is what I believe helping me in my area of struggle? If it doesn't, then what good is it? What value would it be to someone else when it is incapable of helping me?
To answer these questions requires gut honesty between us and God.
Catherine Marshall said," It's the delight of my life to find God far more practical and common sense than any human being I know. The only time I find my dealings with God less than clear-cut is when I'm not being honest with Him. The fuzziness is always on my side, not His."
This statement has bit me in the butt more times than I care to count since I first read it. But I've learned and am still learning that on the other side of the "bite" is always a new level of freedom from myself, a new measure of life!
The enemy of our soul's intent is to steal, kill, and destroy. Lies are a huge part of that. The Truth is the only effective armor/weapon. He will be sure to tell us what we have to lose by completely surrendering to God, but mum's the word about what we stand to lose if we don't! He works very hard to conceal from us the goodness of God. He wants no whiff of the delight we can live in, to reach our nostrils.
The best way I have learned to combat him, is this gut honesty with God. To let God search me and find my faulty misconceptions about Him. To run to Him for reworking at the least hint of discord in my heart...
I do a lot of reading and the subject has come up a few times, as to what we do with what we read (hear in a sermon) etc. We can read and walk on, tickled with some new insights that change our ideas about God, relieve us in real (or shallow) ways and inspire us. We have a new knowledge to roll around in our minds and enthuse about with others. I have been troubled at how easy this is, without actually taking it in and letting it change us at our core. What is the secret to making it become ours, for it to change us?
While pondering this, the phrase, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" started rolling around in my heart. At some point I got up (it was early morn) and started to write. Here is what I ended up with, to my astonishment!
Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!
John the Baptist's first message, the one that burned on his heart in the wilderness of Judea was "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Matt.3:2
This message prepares the way of the Lord in our hearts. It makes His paths straight. It did then and it does even now.
Jesus' message to mankind, in teaching us how to live, also began with, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
Maybe we have glossed over this sentence as an introduction to a story we've always heard. We haven't realized the hidden power and richness in it. Too many times, as we learn something new, some fresh aspect of who God our Father is and what He requires of us, dawns on us. We walk on rejoicing and never stop to realize that every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God is life that is meant to bring us into abundant life, to be lived by! Deut.8:3, 2 Chron.7:14
Our ears itch to hear new tellings of old stories, but we neglect to understand what we hear is meant to be lived! The word of God and life go hand in hand.
Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
This was John's message. He said other words too, but this is the message. All we need to hear for us to be prepared to receive Christ into our very hearts is right here.
The message was not "Repent - because you are wicked and you must"...or... "Repent - to be ready for what is coming soon."
Note the little word "for".
Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
John's message was complete in one sentence.
In repenting, we make straight paths for the Lord to walk into our hearts, where the King of the Ages wants to establish His kingdom. Long live the King!
Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is "right here". It comes in right here! Repentance is the first thing.
If we want to experience more of God, make straight paths for Him into your heart. Let Him in.
You can't give a child something, if they have their fists clutched tightly around what they already have in them, it is impossible. First we have to let go. That is to repent.
No matter what new knowledge we come to, it just remains knowledge unless we make it ours by repenting. Seeing, recognizing, turning, walking, abiding, growing, entering into what God has in store for us.
The kingdom of heaven is truly at hand. He is the King whose kingdom is the heart.
Oh rule my heart, Most Gracious Lord on High. Live Forever, King of Kings! This land is Your land.
May we love God by giving Him His rightful place, believe Him to be as grand and glorious as He really is! Let's walk humbly with Him!
A King was born one silent night,
Not in a castle, but out of sight
In a cobwebby stable that smelled of hay,
God ushered in a brand new Way.
He says the humble shall hear
And the humble shall see.
Humble yourselves in the sight of Me.
I'm looking for room, in hearts, don't you see?
Please humble yourselves and dwell with Me.
He came as a babe, for as we all know
To learn to obey is the way we should go.
He humbled Himself and came as a son,
Who went on to be the Obedient One.
He says the humble shall hear
And the humble shall see.
Humble yourselves in the sight of me.
I'm looking for room, in hearts, don't you see?
Please humble yourselves and dwell with me.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
I have no idea who the author to this story is. It was given to my family years ago and is one of my favorites. God bless whoever wrote it!
Jack The Huckster
There was once a poor man, a huckster, who used to go around the country villages selling his little goods. He was said to be half-cracked, and very likely he was, for he was constantly in the habit of getting drunk, and that is enough not only to “half-crack” someone but quite to break him. He was not at any rate a very sensible man, as a man is not likely to be who drives his sense out of him with drink. However, this poor creature, in going around on his journeys, heard some old woman singing the simple little ditty:
“I’m a poor sinner, and nothing at all,
But Jesus Christ is my all in all.”
Jack recollected that. “Ah!” said he, “that just suits me,” so he began to hum it himself as he went around on his huckstering expeditions, and by God’s good grace that little ditty burnt its way into poor Jack’s heart.
At last he determined that he would join the church; so he went to the minister. The minister said, “Well, friend, what can you say for yourself?” “Not much,” said he, only this:
“I’m a poor sinner, and nothing at all,
But Jesus Christ is my all in all.”
“Well,” said the minister, “You must tell me more than that.” “No,” said Jack, “I can’t, for this is my confession of faith, and that is all I know.” “Well, friend,” said the minister, “I cannot refuse you church fellowship, but you will have to come before the church meeting and the members will have to see you and judge for themselves about you.”
Jack accordingly went to the church meeting, and there sat some good old-fashioned deacons, some of whom began to see whether they could not find fault with him. Jack stood up, and on being requested to state his experience, simply said:
“I’m a poor sinner, and nothing at all,
But Jesus Christ is my all in all.”
So one old deacon said, “Is that all you have to say?” “Yes,” says Jack, “that’s all.” The minister said, “You may ask my friend some questions if you like.” So one says, “Brother Jack, have you not many doubts and fears?” “No,” said Jack, “I never can doubt but that I’m a poor sinner, and nothing at all, for I know I am! And I cannot doubt that Jesus Christ is my all in all, for He says He is, and how can I doubt that?”
“Well,” said another, “but sometimes I lose my evidence and my graces, and then I get very sad.” “Oh!” said Jack, “I never lose anything, for in the first place, “I’m a poor sinner and nothing at all, no one can rob me if I am nothing at all, and in the second place, Jesus Christ is my all in all, and who can rob Him? He is in heaven; I never get richer or poorer, for I am always nothing but I always have everything.”
Then another began to question him thus: “But my dear friend Jack, don’t you sometimes doubt whether you are a child of God?” “Well,” said he, “I don’t quite understand you; but I can tell you I never doubt but that I’m a poor sinner and nothing at all.”
“Aye, Aye,” said the other one, “but sometimes I make great advances on the road to heaven and then I feel a great deal better, but I often go back again, and that causes me trouble.” “But,” says Jack,” I never go forward, for I’m always a poor sinner and nothing at all; but I cannot go back for Jesus Christ is my all in all, and blessed be God, He will not go back, and I’m safe.”
Always after that in the villages they called him, “Happy Jack,” for he was always happy, and the reason was that you could not drive him from that simple standing point; “There is nothing in me, I believe in Christ, I deserve punishment, I am lost in myself, but I trust in Him who came into the world to save sinners, and I know He will not let me perish.”
Jack The Huckster
There was once a poor man, a huckster, who used to go around the country villages selling his little goods. He was said to be half-cracked, and very likely he was, for he was constantly in the habit of getting drunk, and that is enough not only to “half-crack” someone but quite to break him. He was not at any rate a very sensible man, as a man is not likely to be who drives his sense out of him with drink. However, this poor creature, in going around on his journeys, heard some old woman singing the simple little ditty:
“I’m a poor sinner, and nothing at all,
But Jesus Christ is my all in all.”
Jack recollected that. “Ah!” said he, “that just suits me,” so he began to hum it himself as he went around on his huckstering expeditions, and by God’s good grace that little ditty burnt its way into poor Jack’s heart.
At last he determined that he would join the church; so he went to the minister. The minister said, “Well, friend, what can you say for yourself?” “Not much,” said he, only this:
“I’m a poor sinner, and nothing at all,
But Jesus Christ is my all in all.”
“Well,” said the minister, “You must tell me more than that.” “No,” said Jack, “I can’t, for this is my confession of faith, and that is all I know.” “Well, friend,” said the minister, “I cannot refuse you church fellowship, but you will have to come before the church meeting and the members will have to see you and judge for themselves about you.”
Jack accordingly went to the church meeting, and there sat some good old-fashioned deacons, some of whom began to see whether they could not find fault with him. Jack stood up, and on being requested to state his experience, simply said:
“I’m a poor sinner, and nothing at all,
But Jesus Christ is my all in all.”
So one old deacon said, “Is that all you have to say?” “Yes,” says Jack, “that’s all.” The minister said, “You may ask my friend some questions if you like.” So one says, “Brother Jack, have you not many doubts and fears?” “No,” said Jack, “I never can doubt but that I’m a poor sinner, and nothing at all, for I know I am! And I cannot doubt that Jesus Christ is my all in all, for He says He is, and how can I doubt that?”
“Well,” said another, “but sometimes I lose my evidence and my graces, and then I get very sad.” “Oh!” said Jack, “I never lose anything, for in the first place, “I’m a poor sinner and nothing at all, no one can rob me if I am nothing at all, and in the second place, Jesus Christ is my all in all, and who can rob Him? He is in heaven; I never get richer or poorer, for I am always nothing but I always have everything.”
Then another began to question him thus: “But my dear friend Jack, don’t you sometimes doubt whether you are a child of God?” “Well,” said he, “I don’t quite understand you; but I can tell you I never doubt but that I’m a poor sinner and nothing at all.”
“Aye, Aye,” said the other one, “but sometimes I make great advances on the road to heaven and then I feel a great deal better, but I often go back again, and that causes me trouble.” “But,” says Jack,” I never go forward, for I’m always a poor sinner and nothing at all; but I cannot go back for Jesus Christ is my all in all, and blessed be God, He will not go back, and I’m safe.”
Always after that in the villages they called him, “Happy Jack,” for he was always happy, and the reason was that you could not drive him from that simple standing point; “There is nothing in me, I believe in Christ, I deserve punishment, I am lost in myself, but I trust in Him who came into the world to save sinners, and I know He will not let me perish.”
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Is Your Happiness Inside or Outside?
Today I got to thinking about happiness. What is real happiness? Where does it come from? What makes it last, or not last? Are there big happiness's and little ones?
Yesterday my brother and his wife got the good news that they get to buy a house (their first) that they have been hoping for. It is a long awaited happiness! I've never seen my sister-in-law so happy. She says this ranks right up there with getting married and having a baby! A BIG happiness... I myself moved into a new home 7 months ago. Definitely a happiness! Seeing your children happy is a big happiness too. I'm sure we've all seen the various versions of ...
Happiness is...
Watching a movie that totally entertains you,
having friends over for a cook-out,
going on a long anticipated vacation,
buying a new toy,
having a birthday party,
going out to eat,
...fill in the blanks...
Each of us has different things that contribute to our sense of well-being.
Movies end, friends go home (and sometimes you're left with dirty dishes:), vacation is over. The new toy breaks, the novelty wears off or a newer model comes out. You are hungry again in a matter of hours and have to decide what to cook... Chocolate... now that's my buddy, it's almost always there for me!:) but then a tooth starts to ache or the scale has a reaction.
These happiness's are all transient, fleeting to a certain extent. Good while they last. There isn't anything wrong with them, but they are what they are.
Baby Dahlia, "Gahlia" as Abi says, gets the same treatment.Yesterday my brother and his wife got the good news that they get to buy a house (their first) that they have been hoping for. It is a long awaited happiness! I've never seen my sister-in-law so happy. She says this ranks right up there with getting married and having a baby! A BIG happiness... I myself moved into a new home 7 months ago. Definitely a happiness! Seeing your children happy is a big happiness too. I'm sure we've all seen the various versions of ...
Happiness is...
Watching a movie that totally entertains you,
having friends over for a cook-out,
going on a long anticipated vacation,
buying a new toy,
having a birthday party,
going out to eat,
...fill in the blanks...
Each of us has different things that contribute to our sense of well-being.
Movies end, friends go home (and sometimes you're left with dirty dishes:), vacation is over. The new toy breaks, the novelty wears off or a newer model comes out. You are hungry again in a matter of hours and have to decide what to cook... Chocolate... now that's my buddy, it's almost always there for me!:) but then a tooth starts to ache or the scale has a reaction.
These happiness's are all transient, fleeting to a certain extent. Good while they last. There isn't anything wrong with them, but they are what they are.
This picture is on Chloe's 4th birthday... I'd say that's a happy face! Two months later, these toys are still played with, but not with this much pleasure. It is another toy to pick up, and at this house Mr. Nobody is the only one who really likes to pick up toys!
This kitten was the favorite one out of a batch of four, this summer. Maris called it "Fluffy". He met an untimely demise not much after this. The same day that happened, we discovered a new batch of kittens and the current "Fluffy" is again our favorite.
There's nothing like dressing up to put a smile on a little girl's face!
How do we keep our smiles? There are many "things" that I enjoy. I call them "simple pleasures". The only problem is, these "outside" pleasures do not have the power to lift my spirits when I am down. There needs to be an underlying source of happiness within us. Like a fresh water spring...
Contrary to popular opinion, which suggests that Christians can't, don't, or shouldn't have any fun (depending on which persuasion you are), Jesus Christ came that we might have abundant life. Happy is that man, whose God is the Lord!
My sister Monica put my elusive thoughts into a word picture for me today. Picture this: When you are happy on the inside, then all the external, little or big, happiness's just make your cup run over. There's a whole new level of rich enjoyment when the inside and outside happiness's overlap!
May every one of us know and walk in true happiness all the days of our lives! May your story be, "My cup runneth over with joy!"
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Playing House
Recently I moved a lot of the girls toys up in the loft, out of their bedrooms. There is enough room up there that we set it up like a house. They have a kitchen area and living room and bedroom. It realy helped lower the volume of toy mess in their bedrooms. At first it was a real novelty and they played up there a lot, but then the newness wore off and they are on to new frontiers...

I love this picture of Chloe and Abi...
They are quite the pair! and love each other oh so much!
This picture was taken of them sitting on their little "couch". We made two of them, using sleeping bags and spare blankets.
That way it empties a closet shelf and the blankets are there where we would use them when company comes anyway!
I love this picture of Chloe and Abi...
They are quite the pair! and love each other oh so much!
This picture was taken of them sitting on their little "couch". We made two of them, using sleeping bags and spare blankets.
That way it empties a closet shelf and the blankets are there where we would use them when company comes anyway!
Hadassah is quite an organizer. She outlines who does what and generally is full of ideas!
Her Daddy calls her his "little half-pint of sweet cider, all drunk up" like Laura Ingalls Wilder.
She's natured very like Laura...this fall after watching some episodes of "Little House on the Prairie" she figured out how to skip from watching Laura. Before that she hadn't got the hang of it. So cute to watch and I'm so glad for the feelings that make her want to skip!
Have we been "skipping" lately? I guess those feelings come when we cast our cares where they belong!
We set a crate on it's side and a little play stove sets on top. Under the cloth is where the play food is in a bin. We had these trays that came with wooden food that you can cut (velcro). I suggested that they could use the trays to serve and that started a whole new round of play. It was like they had a new toy!
This is a great picture of Damaris, very like her!
"Daniel Boone was a man, yes a big man... with an eye like an eagle and as tall as a mountain was he...
From the coonskin cap on the top of ol' Dan to the heel of his rawhide shoes...
The rippin'est, roarin'est, fightin'est man the frontier ever knew..."
Anyway, it's a fun way to introduced American history. They portray Daniel Boone as being a real man of integrity. We all, being a "boyless" family, just love his little boy Israel. Too bad we can't bring him home!
Well, I'd better sign off here, it's late enough and this is long enough.
That's all for now, folks!
Monday, February 2, 2009
A Rendition of the Heart of God to Man Today
Written as revealed to Gary Isaac on February 14, 2003 / 4a.m.-7a.m.
Come with me and see. I am the Father of all. Yes, all. In my heart is the sum of all thought. I am more ancient than days. Before you existed, I desired to know you and to be known by you. I am all and I am One. One in all and all in One. The power of One is greater than light. Darkness flees before Me and in Me is no shadow at all, only yes and amen. I have searched out wisdom and to accomplish My will in bringing you with me into glory, you first must experience darkness. I saw that man wouldn’t understand. In fact, many would curse Me before the revelation of the mystery of the Cross. I hid Myself so you would seek Me and as you find Me, you would learn to know Me.
I first appeared as a babe in a manger in a little known city and increased in the form of a man. Jesus was the bridge for your understanding between heaven and earth, between the unseen and the seen. He is My beloved Son. He perfectly presented to the world who I am. He is My expressed nature. Jesus Christ has become One with Me. His is a Name above all Names, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He became I in Him and Him in Me. We are One. I dwell in a high and holy place and with him who is of a humble and contrite spirit. There is great joy in My house for He is a true Son. He glorifies Me and because His heart is One with Me, I have given all glory to Him. I am not robbed by giving My glory, only glorified, greatly glorified by My Son.
It is very near the fullness of time. The times and the seasons are in My hand. I am doing a work in your day that will astonish even those to whom it has been revealed. For you have been chosen, heirs of all that I have and all that I am. You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, joint heirs with My beloved Son. You are waking up to “see” with the eyes of your understanding that this present world is your proving ground. I created you in a fleshly body, with a soul that could know and be known, and the spirit of man that could witness to My Spirit. You, by your choice, will choose between the utter failure of your ways, making yourself your own god, or let Me be God, by abandoning all that you have and all that you are to Me. I am your Creator, as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways and thoughts higher than yours. Do not expect to understand My Kingdom the same way you understand with your intellect the things of this present world. It is only when you “see” that you are blind, that you “see”. I have chosen to bring to nothing the things that are, by the things that are not. Fear not, whosoever will, for I have sent My Spirit to personally guide you into all Truth. Come unto Me and rest. I know the very nature and weakness of mankind and because of unbelief, you limit Me. I created you and I know exactly where you are. This is how simple it is. I am God, therefore you can completely and totally trust Me. Come and see. Try Me. I Am that I Am. I have saved the best wine for the last. Joy unspeakable and full of glory.
Come with me and see. I am the Father of all. Yes, all. In my heart is the sum of all thought. I am more ancient than days. Before you existed, I desired to know you and to be known by you. I am all and I am One. One in all and all in One. The power of One is greater than light. Darkness flees before Me and in Me is no shadow at all, only yes and amen. I have searched out wisdom and to accomplish My will in bringing you with me into glory, you first must experience darkness. I saw that man wouldn’t understand. In fact, many would curse Me before the revelation of the mystery of the Cross. I hid Myself so you would seek Me and as you find Me, you would learn to know Me.
I first appeared as a babe in a manger in a little known city and increased in the form of a man. Jesus was the bridge for your understanding between heaven and earth, between the unseen and the seen. He is My beloved Son. He perfectly presented to the world who I am. He is My expressed nature. Jesus Christ has become One with Me. His is a Name above all Names, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He became I in Him and Him in Me. We are One. I dwell in a high and holy place and with him who is of a humble and contrite spirit. There is great joy in My house for He is a true Son. He glorifies Me and because His heart is One with Me, I have given all glory to Him. I am not robbed by giving My glory, only glorified, greatly glorified by My Son.
It is very near the fullness of time. The times and the seasons are in My hand. I am doing a work in your day that will astonish even those to whom it has been revealed. For you have been chosen, heirs of all that I have and all that I am. You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, joint heirs with My beloved Son. You are waking up to “see” with the eyes of your understanding that this present world is your proving ground. I created you in a fleshly body, with a soul that could know and be known, and the spirit of man that could witness to My Spirit. You, by your choice, will choose between the utter failure of your ways, making yourself your own god, or let Me be God, by abandoning all that you have and all that you are to Me. I am your Creator, as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways and thoughts higher than yours. Do not expect to understand My Kingdom the same way you understand with your intellect the things of this present world. It is only when you “see” that you are blind, that you “see”. I have chosen to bring to nothing the things that are, by the things that are not. Fear not, whosoever will, for I have sent My Spirit to personally guide you into all Truth. Come unto Me and rest. I know the very nature and weakness of mankind and because of unbelief, you limit Me. I created you and I know exactly where you are. This is how simple it is. I am God, therefore you can completely and totally trust Me. Come and see. Try Me. I Am that I Am. I have saved the best wine for the last. Joy unspeakable and full of glory.
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