Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Winter Wonders

TIME... it has a way of slipping by, and yet sometimes we go through things where we feel "stuck" in time... I have been thinking quite a bit about "time" recently. One of Michael Card's songs has a line..."who belong to eternity, stranded in time". This is not our home. We are only "stranded" here for a time, like being marrooned on a desert island. Our survival is not entirely up to us, but our will to "LIVE" has a profound effect on the quality of our "time" here. I have been savoring a song these days by Annie Herring called "Just One Thing". It says this:
"Just one thing, all I need... Put Your arms around me.
Draw me close to Your side till our hearts are one in stride...
STOPPING TIME in it's place, as I hide in Your embrace."
His love is timeless, as He is.
Obviously time has been going by without me posting anything on here. It is not because of lack of anything worth writing about, but rather because of too much.
I just read something that helps explain a little... "Ones destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things." - Henry Miller
I find that my journey is filled with continually finding new ways of looking at things, therefore, new views of who God is. There is a lot of joy in the journey, some growing pains as well. But it is oh, so worth it! It is most difficult to condense into words, this oftentimes wordless something that happens in the heart. I also keep being impressed with the idea that my journey is my own, and not essential to yours. God has His building blocks in place in your life as well as mine, otherwise He would not be Just, and He loves justice! He is intensely and personally interested in you and I. I feel an ever increasing need to decrease, that He might increase.
I have taken basicly no pictures in the last while. I have been seeing and savoring. I encourage you to do the same. You have no need of seeing through my eyes, just open your own to all that God is surrounding you with.

Lazy snowflakes, sifting down,
Landing soft upon the ground,
Is there something you would say
To my heart this winter day?

"I would ask you, Do you know
Who it is that loves you so?
That creates in quantity
Such delights for you to see?

All in intricate detail
Each of us unique will fail
To transmit to you the love
He pours out from up above.

So much grander than you know,
Much more bounteous than the snow,
Is His care and sweet regard
Swept out deep from Heaven's yard."

Pretty snowflake, you present
A sweet message, heaven-sent.
Lovely snowflake, ne'er will I
Miss your whispered lullabye.

May each of your days be filled with wonder!

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